We are looking to hire a few hourly/part-time teachers to teach at my school. We are an adult high school that helps students who have dropped out to earn their GED or High School Diploma. We are looking for people with current teaching licenses to teach a variety of classes. A couple of specific needs include Guitar and Math. Here’s our job posting: https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/hr/viewjob.cfm?jid=21720I am also looking for people who work in the trades or who own businesses who want to partner with my school to teach students entry level skills and to possibly recruit to their business. We have built programs for pre-apprenticeships in automotive, surveying, AutoCAD and Welding and are always looking for more. Please feel free to contact me or to share this post within your network. mark.mataya@canyonsdistrict.org or 801-826-6675We are Entrada High School located on 9000 south 850 east in Sandy. Thanks!